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<a href="picture.html?image=pics/Eric_on_Common.jpg&topcap=Eric on the <i>Boston Common</i> on <i>Memorial Day</i> in 2018 (the year I retired)&comment=Picture taken by my good friend, <a
      href='Margarette_N.html' class='green'><i>Margarette</i></a>"><img src="images/Eric_on_Common_t.jpg" width="53" height="65" border="0" title="Eric in his 70s" style="margin:0 5 2 0"></a><br>
   Me in 2018&nbsp;
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     Eric &amp; Patti
My name is Eric Pence. I have been married to <a href="our_wedding.html" class="green">Patti</a> since 1979. We have grown <a href=
"the_boys.html" class="green">adult&nbsp;children</a> (<i>Alex</i> and <i>Ben</i>, born in the 1980s, both college graduates). I turned 70 in 2018 and <a href="career.html#retirement"
class="green">retired</a> (I was born in 1948 so I'm a &quot;<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_boomers"><i>baby boomer</i></a>&quot;). We live in <a href=
"picture.html?image=pics/hingham_us_loc.jpg&topcap=Hingham, Massachusetts, location in the United States" class="green">Hingham</a>, Massachusetts (a <a href=
"picture.html?image=pics/hingham_suburb.jpg&topcap=Hingham is a Boston suburb on the <i>South Shore</i>" class="green">Boston&nbsp;suburb</a> on the coast) on <a href=
"picture.html?image=pics/Hingham_Boston_Otis_Hill.jpg&topcap=We live on <i>Otis Hill</i> in Hingham, a Boston suburb&comment=I'm retired now but I commuted to jobs in Boston by boat most of my life"
class="green"><i>Otis Hill</i></a> (see <a href="talbot.html" class="green"><i>Our house</i></a> for details) and we can see the <a href=
"picture.html?image=pics/boston_skyline.jpg&topcap=Boston view from house" class="green">Boston skyline</a> from our house. Our <a href="the_boys.html" class="green">grown kids</a> live far away&mdash;Alex lives in
Brooklyn, NY (he graduated from college in New York City at the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_School"><i>The New School</i></a>), and Ben, who graduated from George Washington U. in Washington, DC, lived in
San Francisco and New York City for years, moved to Taipei, Tawan, for several years and now lives in Lisbon, Portugal.
<br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="5"><br>
Go to <a href="about.html" class="green"><i>About&nbsp;Me</i></a> for more details about my life, and <a href="career.html" class="green"><i>My&nbsp;Career</i></a>&nbsp; for a history of my working life.

<br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="25"><br>
    I grew up in <a href="payette.html" class="green">Payette, Idaho</a>. After high school I went to college for 2 years (1966-68) at <a href=
    "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Idaho"><i>University of Idaho</i></a> in <a href="picture.html?image=images/moscow_loc.jpg&topcap=Moscow, Idaho location on map" class="green">Moscow</a> (my home state college,
    where both of my parents had graduated), where I majored in
    <i>Mechanical Engineering</i>. I took a break from college and moved to <a href="about.html#seattle" class="green">Seattle</a>, where I lived for 5 years and I had <a href="eric_1969.html" class="green">long hair</a> and
    experimented with drugs. Because I wasn't going to college I lost my <i>2-S student-deferment</i> <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System#Classifications">draft classification</a> (this was during the
    <i>Vietnam War</i>) and I got drafted in 1969, and because of my <a href="about.html#views" class="green">beliefs</a> (I was very <i>anti-war!</i>) I was a <a href="draftresistance.html" class="green">draft&nbsp;resister</a>
    (<i>this caused a little termoil in my life but that is ancient history now</i>). I had taken up guitar in college and started playing jazz, so I came to <a href="boston.html" class="green">Boston</a> in 1973 to study jazz
    at <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berklee_College_of_Music"><nobr><i>Berklee College of Music</i></nobr></a> ((they had an abundance of guitar players and a shortage of bass players so they asked me to switch to <a
    href= "picture.html?image=pics/man_on_bass.jpg&topcap=Man playing upright bass&comment=My instrument at<br><span style='line-height:1'>Berklee College of Music</span>" class="green"><i>upright bass</i></a> which I did and
    loved it). I went to <a href="music.html#berklee" class="green"><i>Berklee</i></a> for a couple of years (1973-1975) but then I discovered computers and went to <a href="career.html#schools2" class="green">several more
    schools</a> in Metro-Boston to study programming, and I eventually graduated in 1983 and became a computer programmer and had a <a href="career.html" class="green">great&nbsp;career</a> until I retired in 2018. For 35 years
    I commuted from Hingham to jobs in Boston <a href="hingham.html#boat" class="green">by boat</a>.

<br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>
<table align="right" valign="top"><tr>
   <td width="85" style="line-height:1.1;font-size:10px" align="center" valign="top">
<a href="hingham_houses.html" class="green"><img src="images/hingham_houses_t.jpg" height="50" border="0" title="Hingham houses" style="margin-bottom:2"></a><br>
     Our Hingham houses
I met <a href="picture.html?image=pics/morningside_path/Patti_1977.jpg&topcap=Patti and her dog Ben&comment=That's at Whitman's Pond<br><span style='line-height:1'>near her house in Weymouth</span>" class="green">Patti</a>
in 1977 (she was a student at <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_University">B.U.</a>) when she had just bought a <a href="weymouth_house.html" class="green">house</a>
in Weymouth (a <a href="picture.html?image=images/weymouth_suburb.jpg&topcap=Weymouth is a Boston suburb on the <i>South Shore</i>" class="green">Boston suburb</a>) and I was still living
in an <a href="queensberry_apt.html" class="green">apartment</a> in Boston (I lived there during the <a href="Blizzardof78.html" class="green"><i>Blizzard of '78</i></a>, a notorius snow storm we had that February), and I
moved into her house with her in 1978 (after the storm) and we got <a href="our_wedding.html" width="50" height="70" class="green">married</a> in 1979 (the
year Patti graduated from college). We've owned <a href="about.html#our_houses" class="green"><nobr>3 suburban houses</nobr></a> on the <a href=
"South_Shore_towns.html" class="green"><i>South Shore</i></a>&mdash;we lived
in our <a href="first_house.html" class="green">first house</a> in Weymouth for 5 years (1977-1982) until we lost it in a <a href="about.html#fire" class="green">fire</a> in 1982, then we moved to <a href=
"picture.html?image=pics/hingham_suburb.jpg&topcap=Hingham is a Boston suburb on the <i>South Shore</i>" class="green">Hingham</a> into our <a href="lafayette_1982.html" class="green">2nd house</a> (first <a href=
    "hingham_houses.html" class="green">Hingham&nbsp;house</a>) where we lived for 34 years (1982-2016) and raised our <a href="the_boys.html" class="green"><nobr>two sons</nobr></a>, and after they had graduated from
    college and were grown up and gone, we were <nobr>&quot;empty-nesters&quot;</nobr> for 8 years and we decided that our large (remodeled), 3-story, 5-bedroom, Victorian <a href="previous_house.html"
    class="green">house</a> was too big for just the 2 of us and it was time to <i>downsize</i>, so we sold it in 2016 and bought our <a href= "talbot_before_after.html" class="green">3rd house</a> (second Hingham house)
    where we still live.

<br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="5"><br>
<span style="font-size:14px;;font-weight:bold">My family</span><br>
    &nbsp; &nbsp;I can't express how <i>proud</i> I am to have 2 grown sons, both college graduates!&nbsp; Now that <a href="the_boys.html" class="green">Alex &amp; Ben</a> are grown up and live elsewhere, our home
    family consists of <a href="eric_patti_2010.html" class="green">Patti&nbsp;and&nbsp;me</a>, our 2 dogs, <a href="our_dogs.html" class=
    "green">Casey &amp; Quinn</a>, and a cat, <a href= "picture.html?image=pics/Pepper1.jpg&topcap=Pepper is our cat&comment=He was <a href='picture.html?image=pics/Pepper_2005.jpg&topcap=Pepper as a kitten in 2005'
    class='black'><i>born in 2005</i></a>, so he's getting up there in age" class="green">Pepper</a> (our other cat, <a href="mandy.html" class="green">Mandy</a>, we had for 17 years and she died in 2018!).
<td width="10"></td>
<td align="center" style="font-size:10px">
     <a href="eric_patti_2010.html">
     <img align="middle" src="images/Eric_and_Patti_t.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="0" align="left" height="50" border="0" title="Eric &amp; Patti"></a><br>
     Eric &amp; Patti
<td align="center" style="font-size:10px">
<a href="the_boys.html">
     <img align="middle" src="images/Alex_and_Ben_t.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="0" align="left" height="50" border="0" title="The boys"></a><br>
     Alex &amp; Ben
<td align="center" style="font-size:10px">
     <a href="our_dogs.html"><img align="middle" src="images/dogs_t.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="0" align="left" height="50" border="0" title="Casey &amp; Quinn"></a><br>
     Casey &amp; Quinn
<td align="center" style="font-size:10px">
     <a href="picture.html?image=pics/Pepper1.jpg&topcap=Pepper is our cat&comment=He was <a href='picture.html?image=pics/Pepper_2005.jpg&topcap=Pepper as a kitten in 2005' class='black'><i>born in 2005</i></a>,
     so he's getting up there in age"><img align="middle" src="images/Pepper1_t.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="0" align="left" height="50" border="0" title="Pepper"></a><br>
<td align="center" style="font-size:10px">
     <a href="mandy.html"><img align="middle" src="images/Mandy_t.jpg" hspace="10" vspace="0" align="left" height="50" border="0" title="Mandy"></a><br>
<td align="center" style="font-size:10px">
<a href="family_2012.html">
<img src="images/Pence_family_t.jpg" height="50" align="right" title="Pence family" vspace="0" hspace="10"></a><br>
Family photo
<td align="center" style="font-size:10px">
<a href="about.html#family_news">
<img src="images/family_icon.gif" height="40" align="right" title="Family news" vspace="0" hspace="10"></a><br>
Family news
<td align="left" valign="top">
<span style="font-size:14px;;font-weight:bold"> &nbsp; Go to...</span>
<ul style="margin:0 0 0 0">
<li><a href="about.html#family" class="green">My family</a>
<li><a href="the_boys.html" class="green">The boys</a>

    Now that I'm retired one of my main activities is I go for twice daily <a href= "otis_hill_walks.html" class="green">dog walks</a>.

<br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>
<img src="images/pentitleSmall.gif" width="108" height="12" align="bottom" title="PENCELAND.com"> was launched in 1996 to share things that
interest me, express some philosophy and opinions, put up family photos and information, provide links to interesting sites, and just simply to
entertain. Generally speaking, the content of the site is what I consider interesting, amusing, stimulating, educational, technical, totally
<i>non-commercial</i>, and <i>hopefully non-offensive</i>&mdash;and I try to verify that my links go to sites with the same standards.

<br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>
There is a menu bar above with links to the website pages <a href="javascript:void(0)" title="Links to pages"><img src="images/links_menu.jpg" align="absmiddle"></a> on this site, and the icons above them are links to
various locations on the site. Each page has a menu across the top with links to a <a href="javascript:void(0)"><table style="display:inline-block;background-color:#2C5197;vertical-align:middle" height="20"
title="Page section"><tr><td style="font-family:arial;font-size:12px;padding:0 2 0 2;line-height:1.5;font-weight:bold;color:#F5F5F5"> | <span style="text-decoration:underline">Page section</span> | </td></tr></table></a>
for the page on display, and on the title-bar of each page is a drop-down <i>Site&nbsp;index</i> menu providing direct access to the other pages. To speed up the loading of the pages I have
    tried to minimize the size of graphics that will immediately appear, and I have provided small <i>thumbnail</i> images to click on to see
    enlargements of the photos. In some places I put a <a href="javascript:void(0)"><img src= "images/top_of_page_sm.gif" border="0" hspace="2"
    align="absmiddle" title="Top of page"></a> to click on to go to the top of the current page or a <a href= "javascript:void(0)"><img src=
    "images/up_arrow.jpg" border="0" hspace="3" align= "absmiddle" title="Top of section"></a> to click on to go to the top of the current section.

    <br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>
    Links on the webpages are displayed in several colors (your browser must allow webpages to choose their own colors for these
    to work in CSS):
  <ul style="margin: 0 0 10 0">
     <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="blueulb" title="links to remote websites">links to <i>remote</i> websites</a> &nbsp;(<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#333399;text-decoration:underline">blue</span>)
     <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="green" title="links to my pages">links to places in <i>PENCELAND.com</i></a> &nbsp;(<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#006060;text-decoration:underline">green</span>)
     <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="black" title="links to maps">links displaying in a <i>new tab</i></a> &nbsp;(<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#000000;text-decoration:underline">black</span> - often maps)

    Except for a little section on <a href="about.html#family_news" class="green">Family news</a> the site is not a blog with frequent updates (for that see me on <a href= "https://www.facebook.com/eric.b.pence" target
   "_blank"><i>Facebook</i></a>) but as I discover new web methods and as my passions for things change I will continue to make regular additions and modifications. I try to keep things accurate, and update or remove things
    that are no longer valid, but technology changes can occur faster than my website updates, so some things may not always be current.

  <ul style="margin: 0 0 10 0">
     <li><a href="about.html#removed_pages" class="green">Removed pages</a> &ndash; these pages are no longer on the menu bar above but I didn't delete them and they still exist on <i>PENCELAND</i>

    Now that I'm retired I keep this website up as a hobby. When people suggest I should do something in web-development in my retirement, since I worked as a web-developer, I want to tell them my web skills are very old.
    Though in my <a href="career.html#jobs" class="green">jobs</a> I created interactive web applications in <i>Perl</i> and <i>Java</i> and even have a few <a href="program.html#perl"
    class="green"><i>Perl</i></a> apps on my pages I mostly code my whole website in <a href="onlinetips.html#webpage" class="green">HTML</a> and <a href="js.html" class="green">JavaScript</a> and don't use any web-development
    tools that current web developers have. On some pages I put links to views of <i>Perl</i> scripts showing you <a href=
"cgi-bin/print_source.pl?src=../index.html" class="green" onClick="javascript:windowOpener(this.href,this.target,'width=875,height=700,left=25,top=100,scrollbars=1');return false;">the code</a> that is producing the page.

<br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>
    I have been doing this for many years and it hasn't evolved much, and the only coding I do now is on this website. I started coding for this website in 1994 and I created every piece of every page in a text editor
    (<a href="http://www.textpad.com">Textpad</a>), and that is what I continue to do. Our son, <a href="about.html#ben" class="green">Ben</a>, is a programmer (he graduated from college in 2011 with a degree in
    <i>Computer&nbsp;Science</i>), so let him do the new stuff. As I said, my web skills are pretty old, I learned programming in the early 1980s, <i>before the Internet even existed!</i> In the 1990s I learned HTML and created
    this website.

    <br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>
    For years I surfed the web and had email, but for a truly <i>&quot;interactive&quot;</i> experience I created a <a href="https://www.facebook.com/eric.b.pence/" target="_blank"><i>Facebook</i></a> page.
    <br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>
    This site was created on a Windows PC but I have since discovered if you view it on a mobile device (tablet or phone) it may not view the same. <i>Sorry.</i>
<br><img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>
<i>Enjoy your visit and come back soon.</i>
<img src="images/clear.gif" height="10"><br>

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<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">
<a href="about.html"><img src="images/ep.gif" width="103" height="25" border="0" align="middle" title="Eric Pence"></a>
<td width="34%" align="center" valign="bottom">
<a href="coexist.html"><img src="images/coexist.jpg" width="120" height="31" title="Imagine all people living in peace." border="0"></a><img src="images/clear.gif" width="45" height="30">
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