Using JavaScript functions you can link to different search engines from the same input form. Here's how
it's done:
<form name="Searchform">
Search engine to use:
<select name="selection">
<option value="Google">Google</option>
<option value="AllTheWeb">AllTheWeb</option>
<option value="AltaVista">Altavista</option>
<option value="Excite">Excite</option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value="HotBot">HotBot</option>
<option value="Lycos">Lycos</option>
<option value=""></option>
Search for:
<input type="text" name="searchtext">
<input type="button" name="DoSearch" value="Search" onClick="Search()">
// Go to the selected search engine with the input text
function Search() {
var site = document.Searchform.selection[document.Searchform.selection.selectedIndex].value;
var stext = document.Searchform.searchtext.value;
var len = stext.length;
// If string is phrase (bracketed by quotes) replace quotes with %22
if ((stext[0] == '"') & (stext[len-1] == '"')) {
var newstext = "%22" + stext.substring(1,len-1) + "%22";
stext = newstext;
len = len + 4;
// Replace embedded blanks with + signs
for (i=1; i<len; i++) {
if (stext[i] == " ") {
var newstext = stext.substring(0,i) + "+" + stext.substring(i+1,len);
stext = newstext;
// Format the URL and search string based on the selected search engine
// Search engines change these sometimes and they must be modified
if (site == "Google") {var urlString = "" + stext + "&meta=lr%3D%26hl%3Den&btnG=Google+Search"};
if (site == "AllTheWeb") {var urlString = "" + stext};
if (site == "AltaVista") {var urlString = "" + stext + "&search.x=66&search.y=9"};
if (site == "Excite") {var urlString = "" + stext};
if (site == "") {var urlString = "" + stext + "&Go=Search"};
if (site == "HotBot") {var urlString = "" + stext + "&SM=MC&DV=0&LG=any&DC=10&DE=2&x=44&y=5"};
if (site == "Lycos") {var urlString = "" + stext + "&x=35&y=9"};
if (site == "") {var urlString = "" + stext};
location = urlString; // Go use the search engine