Events | Links | Removed pages | New computer | My family | Our wedding | My parents | The boys | Places I've lived | Our houses | Fire | Idaho roots | 1967 | Seattle | Travel | Walking | Smartphone | Where I stand | Contact me | Living tips |
![]() I retired in 2018, Patti retired in 2025. ![]() Our son Ben has changed his name to Ulysse (that's pronounced "you lease"). He is 36 and I guess he can do what he wants. I still call him Ben. ![]() I see these posts about what you have to do when you reach 40, but I am over 70 and wish I had seen them years ago. My parents and in-laws are deceased so Patti and I are in the oldest generation of our families now. This is weird. Our 2 adult sons don't live with us, so our current family is Patti and me, our 2 dogs, Casey & Quinn and our cat, Pepper (we had 2 cats but Mandy died in 2018 at age 17). Since I am retired I don't leave the house too often except to walk the dogs twice a day and take the trash to the dump weekly. Only Patti and I live here now (without kids) so our lives are pretty simple. When the stay-home lifestyle occurred during the Coronavirus pandemic I was lucky to be retired and I didn't have to make major adjustments. I didn't have to worry about losing my job or learning new skills like working from home (which I have done) as many of my colleagues did. My life didn't change much except I made fewer visits to the supermarket (sometimes in senior hours because I am over 65). Patti and I have both been vaccinated (and we both got boosters and I got a bunch of those at home COVID-19 test kits), so that is 1 less thing we have to worry about. ![]() After graduating from high school in 1966 in Payette, Idaho, because of my high SAT math scores I started out majoring in Mechanical Engineering at University of Idaho in Moscow (my home state college, where both my parents had graduated), but after 2 years I knew that wasn't what I wanted to do. (Fortunately, I missed this excitement by a few years!) For the next 5 years I lived in Seattle (and worked at Boeing and other manufacturing jobs because I had learned to read blueprints as an Engineering major in college) and had long hair and smoked pot and tried hallucinogenic drugs. Because I wasn't going to college I lost my ![]() I took up guitar when I was in college and had started playing jazz, so I went back to college in 1973 to study music at Berklee College of Music in Boston (I read Downbeat, a jazz magazine, regularly, and Berklee was listed often as a school that a lot of famous musicians had gone to), but after a couple of years at Berklee I had a summer job that paid pretty well and I got tired of being a student pauper and I discovered computers and decided that "computer programming" looked like a better way to make a living than being a musician. So I went to several more schools in Metro-Boston (including M.I.T. and Northeastern) and eventually graduated in 1983 and had a great career. Initially I commuted by car to my jobs, including driving up 128 to a job at ADP in Waltham, but for the last 35 years, when I was working in the Boston Financial District, I commuted from Hingham to Boston by commuter boat. Like most programmers in the early 80s I started out working on a large "mainframe" computer system shared by many users on terminals, but living in a modern world that became Internet-based this eventually evolved into web development, which I did for the last 15 years of my working life at this location. ![]()
![]() ![]() I've been financially comfortable for most of my life. I grew up with college-graduate parents (dad was a banker and mother was a teacher) who made good salaries and I started college, mostly on my parents' money (and finished college on my money). In my adult life I've had well-paying jobs, and after I married Patti I came into some family wealth (her dad had a chain of supermarkets), and in my jobs in programming I've earned a lot of money (and Patti had graduted from college and was a Nurse Practitioner), so money was never a problem for us. We've put 2 kids through college and now that I'm retired I am comfortable. So that decribes my financial life. ![]()
![]() Patti and I have been homeowners since 1977 but I realize that is not true for everyone. One thing I love about owning my own house is having a driveway to park my car in (and a garage so I don't have to shovel snow off in the winter). When I lived in Seattle in the 60s I always had a car, but when I was in college in the 70s and lived in apartments in Boston I didn't have a car, and took the subway or rode my bicycle everywhere. Since 1977 I've always owned a car and that is something I couldn't live without. For most of my adult life I have commuted to Boston and worked in the Financial District. I did this every day for years and at lunchtime I walked a 3-mile walk with my colleague (and very good friend) Margarette. I retired in 2018 after working for most of my life, and like most people I grew up thinking 70 was elderly, but I am not elderly. I am always surprised when I see a reflection of this gray-haired guy in a mirror or window becasuse I don't feel any older than I did 30 years ago and I walk the dogs twice a day on 1-2 mile walks with no problem. I've stayed physically active (mostly weekly tennis and daily walking and I used to be a runner), and I have tried to stay current with the new technology that has evolved in my lifetime, like the Internet and smartphones. My current car (a VW Tiguan) is keyless (I just have to have the car key on me to operate the car so it never leaves my pocket) and our house is keyless (the front door is locked with a combination keypad), so I don't need to put keys into locks in my daily life. ![]() Having a website is the definitive expression of many of my interests, and I enjoy it so much that working as a web programmer made me feel like I got paid to have fun (see my Confucius slogan at the top)! I've had several smartphones and I got a new computer in 2019 and I am trying to keep up with the new technology. ![]() Among my many interests are travel, walking, music, cities, and maps, and I expound on these things on various pages on my website. |
My parents met in college and both graduated in 1941—my mother became a teacher, and my dad went into the army. After the war he married my mother, went to Stanford Law School, and they lived in the San
Francisco Bay Area. When my mother got pregnant in 1946 with my older brother David (who died of early-onset Alzheimer's at age 66 in 2012), my dad dropped out of law school and they moved back to his hometown Payette, Idaho,
which they thought was a safer place to raise kids (that is where I grew up!). My dad became a banker, which he did for his whole career until he retired at age 65. My mother had stopped teaching to raise kids (3 boys,
I am the middle one) but returned to teaching when the kids were older. She also
![]() Both my parents and both of my brothers have died, so I am the sole survivor of this Pence family of 5. ![]() I grew up in the small town of Payette, Idaho and lived there until I went to college in 1966 at the University of Idaho in (aerial view) for 2 years, then lived in Seattle for 5 years (where I had long hair and was a quasi hippie, attending many rock concerts, weekly in Eagles Auditorium, and 2 outdoor rock festivals in 1968 and 1969, and went to many antiwar rallies and peace marches and was a draft resister in 1969), then returned to college in 1973 in Boston (I finally graduated in 1983 - I've gone to many colleges in Boston that you can read about on my career page). I married Patti in 1979, and she got a Bachelor's from B.U. and a Master's from UMass and is a Nurse Practitioner. We have owned 3 houses in metro-Boston since the 1970s. Our 2 sons have graduated from college, Alex with Master's and Ben with a Bachelor's. Alex lives in New York City and Ben, has lived in Taiwan for several years. |
There have been several very memorable national events that have occured in my life. I saw a Facebook posting that asked where you were when you heard about the Kennedy assassination. I guess I could ask
that same thing here.
![]() Now many adults were very young or not born yet when some of these things happened. In 2019 I saw TV coverage of the 50-year anniversary of the moon landing and though I was an adult in my 20s at the time and witnessed it on TV and remember it, the TV personalities on the coverage show were 30-something and this event occured before they were born. It must be interesting to be born after such significant things happened. High technology evolved in my lifetime and I remember the early days of computers. Now it is everywhere and like everybody I take it for granted. I can do Google search on my phone which is in my pocket. I recently learned that they are going to start teaching cursive handwriting again. I wondered how people who did not know cursive wrote their signatures on things. |
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For some reason my wife Patti took this picture, probably in the 70s, showing a gas pump with the price of gas in those days. 34¢ a gallon but I remember 25¢ a gallon when I started driving in the 60s. | |
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You can really express yourself with a great bumper sticker. My personal favorite is ![]() |
Some people we know have died of horrible diseases. I know science is working on cures but they cannot come soon enough!
I just lost interest in some pages and don't intend to update them anymore. I didn't delete the pages, just removed the links to them on the menu bar of the main page and stopped updating them. You can still go to those pages. |
I got a new desktop computer in October, 2019, from RGB Computer Solutions on Station Street in Hingham. It is an "All-in-One," meaning the computer case and system components are built into the back of the monitor so that the entire PC is contained all in one unit
(no separate box or tower).
![]() I had to do a lot of configuring to get this computer to behave the way my last one did, including setting up the tools to manage my website and my music which I put on my phone. I succeeded! I use Firefox as the primary browser on my desktop and laptop and I have them syncronized so they both have the same bookmarks and add-ons. (I had Firefox on my PC at work synced when I was still working.) I took my last computer to the electronic drop-off area at the dump (but first I disabled the hard-drive). ![]() I previously had a Pentium computer with Windows XP that I got in 2009. It had a 250 GB hard drive that was always getting filled up. (I also have a Windows 10 laptop but the desktop is my main computer.) Patti has an I-Pad on our kitchen table so I needed to get a tablet. I got a Samsung Galaxy tablet to replace my laptop. I know Microsoft had discontinued XP and didn't support it anymore, and I kept getting messages that things couldn't run on it, but I still used it until I finally got tired of the messages and couldn't upgrade things anymore. ![]() Our computer history . . . In 1988 we got our first home PC, a DOS 286, that had a 32 MB hard drive that I thought was plenty big. My kids, who were born in the 80s, grew up with there always being a computer in the house, and they got their own computers when they were quite young. In 1992 I got my next computer—a 486 with Windows 3.1 that had a 250 MB hard-drive that I though was huge! I put Windows 95 on this one when it came out, ultimately upgrading to Windows 98, and then Windows 2000. In 2003 I got a PC with Windows XP on it. I had that computer until I got my current one in 2019. |
I keep one of these in my closet and lay my phone on it to charge at night when I'm sleeping. No plugging in required. I start out each day with a fully charged phone.
Patti also has a couple of these, one for her phone and one for her earpods.
![]() ![]() ![]() Our son Ben turned me on to this. It works fine on my Samsung Android, but I've heard it doesn't on older iPhones, but Apple fixed this on the newer ones. (Patti has a new iPhone.) |
I always like to know the current outside temperature so I know how to dress when I go out, so I keep a couple of these mounted on walls—one where I can see it from the table I sit at to eat and one next to the coat
closet near the door to go outside. This has a unit that you mount outside the house and one that gets the temperature using WiFi and displays it.
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![]() 2022 |
![]() 2015 |
![]() 2012 |
![]() 2011 |
![]() 2009 |
![]() 2000 |
![]() 1994 |
![]() 1991 |
![]() 1990 |
![]() The boys ![]() |
![]() My mother |
![]() My dad |
![]() Brother David |
![]() Brother Ed |
I didn't grow up fantasizing about getting married and having kids, but it happened in a perfectly natural way and I am sure glad it did. I couldn't imagine life being any other way. Go below to read about the boys.
![]() I'm so glad Patti and I met and had a relationship in the 1970s before email and texting and social media (and I love those now!), where we really got to know each other in person the old fashioned way, with socializing and dating and eventually living together. Getting married and becoming a father were the biggest adjustments I've ever made in my life but I couldn't imagine life being any other way! I get so much pleasure and experiences of pride, and it just continues and continues as my family opens new doors. Our sons have traveled the world, lived in other countries, and had many interesting experiences in places we've never been, and we've taken some trips with them! |
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![]() 2020 photos |
At home we have a cat, Pepper (born in 2005), a Labradoodle dog, Casey (born 2012), and another Labradoodle dog, Quinn (born in 2021). (After a good life of 17 years, our other cat, Mandy, passed away in 2018.) See the Gallery page for pictures of all of us, including the current and previous pets. |
For 35 years before I retired I worked in the Financial District in Boston and to get to work, I took a commuter boat—a pleasant half-hour trip—during which I usually read or chatted with friends (and sometimes had
a little excitement!). The Boston Globe did a comparison of commuting from the South Shore (Southern suburbs are referred to as the South Shore, we live in one) by car, boat, commuter rail, and Red Line (the subway),
and not surpisingly, the boat came out on top. See more about my great commute here.
Times have certainly changed since I was a kid. For several years, my mother used email from her home in Boise, Idaho, to help stay in touch with her children and grandchildren, who all live thousands of miles from her. Family dynamics have changed a lot in my lifetime, and they are affected by much more than just new technology. Here is an article I saw in The Boston Globe, "Raising a Perfect Child," that presents an interesting view of parenting today. There are links to more parenting articles on the Articles page. |
This is a regularly updated blog of family activities. Holiday cards are shown for many years. I started adding months in 2023 |
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My 72-year-old younger brother, Ed, died in February of brain cancer in Los Angeles on 2/10/2025. He lived in L.A. with his partner, Aganaze (pictured). He had never been married and had no children. Ed and I grew up together
but he lived in L.A. and I went to college in Boston and stayed here and got married and Both my parents and both of my brothers have died, so I am the only survivor of the Pence family of 5. |
![]() Dad and Mom |
My parents are both deceased and I am at an age that would make me a senior citizen. Ugh! |
My parents were born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. My dad grew up in Payette, Idaho (where I was raised), and after he graduated from high school he went to college in northern
Idaho in Moscow at the University of Idaho. My mother was raised on a ranch in Southeastern Washington state and she lived with a wealthy aunt and
uncle in Spoken when she was in high school (for a graduation present they gave her a trip to Europe) and then she also went to the University of Idaho, where she met my dad. After they both graduated in 1941 my
parents got married and my dad went into the army to serve in World War II and my mother became a teacher in Idaho. After the war my dad went to Stanford Law School in Palo Alto. California, and my parents lived in the
San Francisco Bay Area. When my mother got pregnant in 1946 with my older brother David (who died of early-onset Alzheimer's at age 66 in 2012) my dad dropped out of law school and they moved back to Payette, Idaho,
which thy thought was a
![]() Patti and I got married in 1979 and have 2 children born in the 1980s, and they both graduated from college and are adults and haven't lived with us for decades. |
![]() Spanning 25 years |
![]() 2020 photos |
We have 2 grown sons, Alex and Ben, who are both college graduates (Alex has a Master's). We are so proud of our boys who have both travelled the world and lived in foreign countries. Neither lives near us (Alex in New York City and Ben in Taiwan) but we try to see them whenever we can—but not often enough (mostly we visit with them on Zoom or they visit us). We have regular Zoom sessions with the boys, which is a great way to stay in touch when you are far apart and can't see each other in person. Neither have any kids, so we have no grandkids yet. |
Alex was born in 1985 and lives in Brooklyn, NY, and is a college teacher.
Ben was born in 1988 and lived in San Francisco, New York City, and Taipei, Taiwan for several years, and is a software engineer.
He is staying with us and taveling in the U.S.
Patti is Jewish (she's not religious, and may even be an atheist like I am), which makes the boys Jewish by birth, and both our boys attended Hebrew school (a weekly event at a temple) and were Bar Mitzvah'd (Ben's was the weekend before 9/11 before they shut down airports so people were still able to fly in from out of town). Both boys' classes took field trips to New York City to see historical Jewish sites like the Eldridge Street Synagogue and I went as a chaperone on these trips, and we did some other interesting non-Jewish things like going to Ellis Island (where we listened to headphones on a tour) and the Statue of Liberty (where we climbed up the spiral staircase to look out the windows in the crown—this was closed for awhile after 9/11 (then again during the COVID-19 pandemic). |
I thought it would be fun to "re-visit" all the places I have lived in Google Maps Street View.
Since 1977 we have owned 3 suburban homes on the South Shore (suburbs South of Boston on the coast) in Weymouth and Hingham. I met Patti in 1977 when she had just bought
a house in Weymouth and I think our first date was her house-warming party with friends. I still had an apartment in Boston
but I moved in with Patti in 1978 (and bought a car (a 1973 Toyota Corolla) to commute to my job in Boston) and we got married in 1979. After I moved in and my name was on the mortgage I found that the total mortgage payment each month was less
than I was paying for monthly rent on my last apartment (less than $200 in those days). We lost this house to a fire in 1982. After we moved to our next house in Hingham we had 2 sons in 1985 and 1988, who have graduated from college and begun their adult lives. |
1st house![]() Weymouth Bought in 1977 |
2nd house![]() Hingham Bought in 1982 |
3rd house![]() Hingham Bought in 2015 |
![]() House locations |
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1977 - 1982 | – | 1st house | – | Weymouth | – | Morningside Path, a "Cape" near Whitman's Pond (we lost this house to a fire) | – | 1977 purchase price was $32,900 (Patti bought the house in 1977, I moved in in 1978, we were married in 1979) | |
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1982 - 2016 | – | 2nd house | – | Hingham | – | Lafayette Avenue, a "Shingle-style" Victorian in Hingham Square | – | 1982 purchase price was $123,500, remodeled over the years, and sold in 2016 for over $1 million | |
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2016 - present | – | 3rd house | – | Hingham | – | Talbot Road, a Gambrel Cape on Otis Hill, second-to-last house on dead-end street | – | 2015 purchase price was $789,000, appraised after remodeling at $1.4 million |
Locations of our Hingham houses.
The first two we moved into, then remodeled. After we bought our current house, we got an architect and builder, then remodeled it for a year before moving there. |
![]() This house was the first of 3 houses we have owned. |
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Here's an interesting juxtaposition, my childhood home in 1963 and 2005 (the
The classic Big Potato postard I saw as a child.
![]() Payette links . . . ![]()
For years I made regular trips to visit my mother, who still lived in Boise (my father died in 1993), but she passed away in 2017 so with no family there now my Idaho trips may diminish. |
1967 was a very big year in terms of style, music, and politics. I was a young adult, 19-years-old, and I was discovering who I was. I had a great year and lots of memories of those days. I lived a pretty typical lifestyle for people of my generation, growing long hair, doing drugs, going to rock concerts, and going on lots of anti-war marches (and ultimately a battle with the draft in 1969) |
After my first year of college I came home and when my mother asked me what I wanted to do for the summer I said go to San Francisco (a dorm
buddy had graduated from college and had a job in the Bay Area). She said every kid in the country was going to go there in 1967 (the
"Summer of Love") so I wasn't. My older brother, David, who went to UW in Seattle,
had had a summer job every year when he was in college selling dictionaries door-to-door, and he had done so well he was going to have his own crew this
year. My mother said I could work for him so I went to Atlanta, Georgia, with my brother for a summer job selling dictionaries, which I did for
about 2 weeks before I decided that where I really wanted to be in the summer of 1967 was San Francisco . So I went out to the highway, stuck out
my thumb, and hitchhiked cross-country to California. I still can't believe I did that, not knowing where I would sleep each night, but at 19 we
have the nerve to do these crazy things. (This trip took me 4 days, including 24 hours I spent in St. Louis with a college buddy.) Someone picked me up
in Kansas and said he was going all the way to California, so I thought I had it made, but his car broke down in Salt Lake City and he decided to hitchhike
the rest of the way. We split up and I was on my own again.
My college buddy that I stayed with lived in Vallejo, just North of Berkeley, but we got into San Francisco a lot and I feel like I really experienced what was happening there (and I witnessed Haight-Ashbury during its cultural peak). Most of my experiences of that era were in Seattle, where I lived that fall. I was only in the Bay Area for part of a summer, not really long enough to consider it a place of residence, so there is no San Francisco section on this bio page. 1967 was also the year of the first Monterey Pop Festival, one of the first rock festivals in the country. After leaving the Bay Area I lived in Seattle for several months then returned to college at the U of I in Moscow. I remember the anti-war marches they had in Moscow had people marching around in circles with signs, and I thought I was so sophisticated having been on much larger marches in Seattle. I also had shoulder-length hair and people would come up to me and ask where they could buy drugs. I soon came to the conclusion that life would be more fun without the responsibilities of school. In 1968, after 2 years of college, I moved back to Seattle, where I lived for 5 years, before returning to college in Boston in 1973, and I still live in the Boston area, where I finished school, got married, had kids, and had a great career. |
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![]() Starting in 1969, after my draft resistance experience, I lived in a house with a bunch of guys on Naomi Place in the U District (given the name "Naomi House" by roommate Pat Stanton, who was my roommate when I came to Boston in 1973 and currently lives in California with his wife and kids). We also had roommates Bill Schaefer, Andy Neddermeyer (who joined the Retina Circus light show group and moved with them to the San Francisco Bay area), and Russ Taylor, whom I have also kept in touch with. We all later moved to another house in the U District on 12th Ave NE. (named "Excellent House" by Pat) and we had women living with us at this time. I went to Mexico with 3 Seattle friends in 1972. I had other apartments in Seattle in the U District, Wallingford (with Ben), Cascade (in a complex we called "Minor Manner" that is no longer there), and Capitol Hill (with Bill). ![]() See Places I've Lived for descriptions and photos of all my Seattle dwellings. ![]() Deceased former roomates ![]()
![]() Childhood memories ![]() When I was growing up in Idaho my grandparents lived in Seattle, where they managed and lived in a family owned hotel, the Calhoun Hotel, which was located downtown on Second Avenue. On regular visits we stayed in that hotel (maybe I should insert my Seth Thomas clock story here) and had Seattle excursions. By the 60s they lived in a house on Queen Anne Hill, and in 1962, when the World's Fair was hosted in Seattle (that's when the Space Needle was built) we visited them there and attended the fair. We actually ran into someone from our hometown, Payette, at the fair. I remember once we took a ferry from Seattle up to Victoria, BC, Canada, on Vancouver Island. One thing that stuck in my memory of this trip is that my younger brother, Ed, was put in a harness and perhaps on a leash to control him on the ferry. That was the 50s when people did crazy stuff like that.
Rainy Seattle?
Seattle neighborhoods I've lived in
My music
I played guitar when I was in Seattle, and since my style was fairly experimental my musical tastes evolved into jazz, so when I decided to go
back to school to study music, I chose Berklee College of Music in Boston,
where I switched to upright bass (see more on my Music page). So, in 1973, I came to Boston
(and never left).
Some Seattle links . . .
Travel![]() |
Traveling is something I've always enjoyed, both in the U.S. and abroad. My family took many trips when I was growing up in Idaho in the 50s and
60s, always by car (my first time flying was in 1974, flying home from college in Boston). Living in Idaho we usually went to West Coast locations like Seattle,
California, and Oregon, typically to see relatives—my grandparents lived in Seattle, my
dad's brother, Pete, lived in the S.F. Bay Area, and I had aunts and uncles in Eugene, Oregon. We went to Tijuana, Mexico, once on a California
trip and one time we took a ferry from Seattle to Victoria, BC, Canada. In
1956 (when I was 8) we took a cross-country car trip to New York City (saw parents' college friends, rode on a subway), Ithaca (where we saw my
mother's sister Ruth and her husband, Gordon Streib, a professor at
Cornell), Massachusetts (aunt and uncle lived in Petersham), and Washington, DC, (uncle Herman Welker, married to my dad's sister, Gladys, was a U.S. Senator, their daughter Nancy now lives in Boise) stopping in St.
Louis to see my dad's brother, Abe (his daughter Pat is now a veterinarian in metro-Boise that I see on Boise trips, and son Bert is a real-estate entreprenuer
in Austin, TX), and Colorado (saw my ![]() My parents lived in Boise and I visited them several times a year, sometimes attending high school reunions on these trips. My dad died in 1993 and I continued to visit my mother until she passed in 2017. It was always a kick on these trips to get reaquainted with my high school friends who still live in the Boise area, and see my first cousins Nancy and Pat, and many of us have stayed in touch on Facebook. ![]()
2018 | Italy - we took an extended family trip to Rome, Florence, Venice | ||
2014 | Jamaica - Ben spent a year traveling around he world and we asked him when we could see him again—he said he had a wedding in Jamaica so we went there to see him and had a wonderful vacation! | ||
2010 | Europe - Patti and I and our friend Paula, went to London, Paris, Amsterdam, where we saw our son Ben | ||
2009 | Washington, DC - photos from one of our many trips there | ||
2009 | Clinton, CT - our friends Jim & JoAnne have a coastal summer house | ||
2008 | Boise, ID - I used to visit my late mother (she died in 2017) several times a year and these are photos from one of those trips | ||
2007 | Florida - Patti's parents lived in Florida and we went there many times on vacations | ||
2005 | San Francisco - Patti had a medical conference and I went along to enjoy one of my favorite cities | ||
2005 | Old Saybrook, CT - Patti's brother Ed and wife rented a coastal cottage for years |
When I was going to college in Boston in the 70s I had a couple of New York City connections. My brother David and an old Seattle friend Chris lived there. I would make weekend trips to NYC and they really showed me around Manhattan. I would take the train down from Boston and I remember one time I reconnected with an MIT student I had met on a previous trip. Chris had an apartment just off Central Park West, then moved to the Upper East Side, so I was really exposed to great neighborhoods. Chris took me around to all the dance clubs and one time I went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, not something a non-New Yorker would likely experience. My brother lived in Westchester but he had a car so we could really get around the city. Years later I went as a chaperone on my boys' Hebrew school field trips to New York in the 90s to see historical Jewish sites like the Eldridge Street synagogue, one of the first synagogues in the U.S. We did some other interesting things on these trips like touring Ellis Island, the gateway for over 12 million immigrants to the U.S. from 1892 until 1954, and going to the Statue of Liberty, where we climbed the steep, winding steps up to the crown, not something you can do anymore. |
We've gone to Washington, DC, many times when our son Ben went to George Washington University (2007-2011), and to visit my brother and family in a Northern Virginia DC suburb (late brother, David, worked for the Census Bureau in Metro-DC). We usually stayed in boutique hotels within walking distance of the Mall and GW. I've also gone there many times on business trips and I remember once when there was unexpected freezing rain and my rental car had no ice-scraper so I had to use a credit card to scrape the windshield. I remember another winter trip when an unexpected snowstorm was closing airports on the East coast and I had to high-tale it back to Boston before the airport was closed. I was on the plane at the Washington aiport that taxied out to take off, but they kept running out of de-icing fluid and the plane would return to the gate and let us off to make phone calls (this was in the days before cellphones!). This went on for 4 hours and I was riding in coach, and the people in business class were getting drink orders, and one guy was feeling guilty so he came back and took drink orders from us in coach. |
We love taking Florida winter vacations when it's cold up North. Patti's parents retired to Florida in the 70s from Connecticut, where Patti grew up. They bought a house with a swimming pool in Boca Raton on a golf course. We would go there every year with the kids on school vacations. We also went to Disney World and Epcot a couple of times, Key West a few times (taking a nice drive through the Keys), Sanibel Island a few times ( driving on I-75 through Alligator Alley through the Everglades to get to the Gulf Coast from South Florida), and several other Florida vacations (see photos below). Patti's brother, Ed, and his wife, Andi, were snowbirds, living half the time in Connecticut and half the time in a condo on the beach in Boca (Ed died tragically of pancreatic cancer in 2015). My aunt and uncle (mother's sister and husband) lived in Gainesville, where he taught at the University of Florida. I saw them when I was a kid and we saw them once in Boston, and we attended a memorial service for them in Gainesville when they died (miraculously a day apart). He had been a professor at Cornell for decades, where we saw them on a New York trip on 1956, before moving to Florida in semi-retirement. |
SLC tornado
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Las Vegas
Patti had a medical conference in Las Vegas in 2013 and I went for the fun. We stayed in the Mandarin Oriental hotel on the Strip, which is non-smoking and has no casino. We did all the usual tourist things including going to a Rod Stewart concert at Caesar's Palace. We also visited the Wee Kirk o' the Heather wedding chapel, where my parents were married in 1942. |
Business trips
From 1988-1994 I worked at Carter Rice, a Boston division of International Paper. We had many offices I frequented including Boston (my oiffice), New York, Washington (I went there regularly), Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Harrisburg (PA). Because so many people traveled to the New York office rather than pay for hotel rooms it owned a condo on Park Avenue so when I went there and stayed over I just walked down 5th Avenue past the Empire State Building to the office across from Madison Square Park (that's the Flatiron Building in the center of the photo). I also went to Chicago on trips for this company (I remember once buying a half-frozen, deep-dish, Chicago pizza and nervously having it in the overhead bin above my seat on the plane coming back to Boston!). I made trips to other IP locations including Kansas City, Milwaukee, Charlotte (NC), Denver, and Providence (by car). On a trip to San Antonio I was at a conference at the River Walk and stayed in a hotel across from the The Alamo (which I've seen a couple of times). On that trip I rented a car and drove up to Austin, so see my 2 cousins, Nancy Terry (who later moved to Boise where I've seen her several times) and Bert Pence. |
Club Med
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Mexico – (map of trip, see locations mentioned below)
More info on my friends . . .
I've made 4 cross-country trips by car, all originating in the Northwest; 3 were round-trips, the last time was a one-way trip to Boston for college (and I am still here and now retired, after college, working, getting married, and raising a family and owning 3 houses): | ||
Walk for Hunger
![]() Our walks . . . (I've finally started taking selfies of Margarette and me!)
I've also done fundraising walks for AIDS, Cancer, Alzheimer's, and ALS. |
![]() ![]() Lest anyone think the smartphone has complicated my life—before I had one I listened to music on an iPod and read books on a Sony Reader (and before that I carried a paperback). Now I do both on my phone so I've done away with 2 extra digital devices I used to carry around— so having a smartphone has actually simplified my life. Airlines now allow you to read a smartphone on planes in Airplane mode and when I travel I don't take a laptop anymore, only my smartphone. I listen to music on my phone with earbuds when I walk our dog, Casey, twice a day. I use wireless earbuds that have to be charged. |
This is a setting on my Samsung phone that keeps telemarketers from calling me. You can have it set to only ring your phone from a call from someone in your contacts. Other calls go to voicemail without ringing your phone, and telemarkers typically do no leave messages. If someone you know calls that is not in your contacts hopefully they will leave a message and you can call them back. This is a great feature! You can find it in Settings under Sounds and Vibration. Be sure you have it set to allow calls from Contacts. Please beware that there is also a setting under this to silence media and alarms, which I discovered when I couldn't listen to music on my phone. The latest iPhones have a similar setting called "Silence Unknown Callers". |
External battery charger (This is not needed for my current S9, which has a stronger battery than the S4 Mini did.)
A constant need with a smartphone is to keep the battery charged. I charge my phone overnight so it is always fully charged at the beginning of
the day. When I had my S4 I also used a 10000mAh external battery charger that had a short chord that was plugged into the phone.
The S4 had a 1900mAh battery so this was basically a battery that was 5 times bigger hooked up to the phone. I haven't needed that with the S9
but I might still use it on a cross-country plane trip.
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Tips (Mostly written when I had the S4 Mini so not all relevant anymore.)
There seem to be apps for everything now. When we had a frozen harbor in Winter 2015 and the commuter ferries were not running I took the
commuter rail. To pay for parking I used an app associated with my credit card instead of having to stuff 4 dollar bills into the slot for my
parking spot. (I pay for parking by the month at the boat in a private parking lot, but the MBTA lot also uses this dialup app.) You can get
airline boarding passes sent to your phone which get scanned at the airport. In Boston (my town) the MBTA (local transit system) has made the
passes that previously only came on plastic cards available for smartphones in this fashion. Certain businesses, like Starbucks, that use cards
to scan for purchases now offer apps that do this and you don't have to pull a card out of your wallet every time. I anticipate more and more
things coming this way.
There are many websites with good smartphone tips like how to maximize your battery, or using the Cloud, so I won't list those here, but here are some things I do on my phone. |
Supposedly smartphones manage memory in efficient ways and like to have frequently used apps (meaning the last app you used) running in the background so they can start up faster, but my preference is to kill apps when I am not using them so they don't use up memory. The way to do this is on my Android (iPhones have a similar method): |
Some notifications require setting a ringtone—but when I don't want to hear my phone ring I use a silent ringtone, silent.wav. For instance, I use this on Gmail, where I still get an icon in the Notification bar for new email but the phone doesn't audibly ring. For text messages, I get a notification icon and the ringtone on my phone is the little iPhone SMS chirp. |
I have had 3 Androids and never owned an iPhone, so I am not entirely familiar with the iPhone, but I have noticed things that I definitely like better about the Android. | |||
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– | The iPhone homescreen looks very busy (I see people scrolling for apps all the time), while the Android homescreen is very simple and easy to manage. On an iPhone it appears that every installed app has an icon on the homescreen(s), but on the Android you only have homescreen icons for things you want there. All installed apps are in the "Apps" folder and you can add any of them to one of the homescreen panels, or remove them from the Homescreen without uninstalling the app. | |
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– | My S4 Mini had a replaceable battery but my current S9 doesn't (and doesn't need it).. One of the best features of the Android phone is the replaceable battery. I keep a spare battery fully-charged in a battery charger, so I can swap batteries whenever my battery is low. When I travel I have an external battery pack to recharge my phone, or I use the available electrical outlets in many terminals, and more planes are putting USB ports at every seat. |
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– | My S9 phone still has these buttons but they are different from what I am describing here. (I really miss the Menu button!)![]() ![]() ![]() |
I want my contacts, photos, and music to be backed up so they are available should I ever get a new phone. You can back things up to the cloud, for instance your Google drive, but here is what I do: | |||
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– | When I enter a new contact it is associated with my Gmail account and automatically backed up to the Google server (so I guess it is on the Cloud). | |
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– | I have my photos in albums so I copy these to my PC. | |
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– | All my music is on my PC in iTunes so I can reload it from there. |
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I'm really enjoying a present from Patti, a Bluetooth cap that enables me to listen to music off my phone without earbud wires connecting to my phone in my pocket. Because this is a knit cap I guess this is only a cold weather option. |
Where I stand
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"I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center." — Kurt Vonnegut |
I'm a liberal and I love this Facebook posting...
![]() "What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party? I'll tell you what they did.
![]() So when you try to hurl that label ('Liberal') at my feet, as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, because... I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor. ![]() I was born in 1948 (I'm a baby-boomer) and I was raised in a household similar to the one I raised my kids in, where my parents taught me values that I retain to this day. My parents were both college graduates (Dad was a banker, Mom was a teacher) and during WWII my dad would not carry a gun and was a non-combatent in the Army medical corps. In my childhood home my dad (who had gone to Stanford law school but became a banker) subscribed to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the New Yorker magazine so I grew up with a much broader view of life than what was happening in the small town we lived in. The Treasure Valley has a very large Japanese population, probably resulting from internment camps in WWII, and in the 1950s my father quit (or refused to join) the local Elks club because they wouldn't allow Japanese to join. In our very conservative community my dad stood out as a liberal rebel and I proudly inherited that trait. I will always remember the impression that was made on me when my mother was out of town (at her father's funeral in California) and my dad took us to see Gregory Peck in "To Kill a Mockingbird," Harper Lee's story of bravery and justice in small-town America, and I have hopefully passed these values on to our sons—values like integrity and charity, and a desire to participate in a kinder and gentler world, and to help create a more humane and just society. I was raised in a very non-violent household and even though I played sports like football in high school I have always lived a very non-violent life amd take a non-violent stand on all issues. ![]() During WWII my dad was in the army like everybody else's dad, but he was in the medical corp where he wouldn't have to carry a rifle. We had some old army stuff that I played around with as a kid and I assumed his wartime experiences were like all the other dads. Later when I realized he had non-violence views like I did I got more respect for him. We didn't go hunting like other families I knew did and he didn't preach non-violence but we lived that way. ![]() Both of our sons have graduated from college and are doing good things with their lives. Alex has a Master's degree and is a college teacher in New York City. Ben graduated in Computer Science and worked for Twitter as a programmer in San Francisco for 4 years, then lived in New York City and still worked as a programmer, and then moved to Taiwan. We are proud parents! Both boys have traveled around the world many times and lived abroad. I'm just glad neither of them had to deal with the draft as I did. ![]() Coming of age in the 1960s civil rights have always been very important to me. When I evaluate a candidate who is running for public office, the first thing I look at is his stance on social issues like women's rights and gay rights. If the candidate fails on those I don't care what his positions are on everything else, he will never get my vote. |
I lived in Seattle in the late 60s and because I wasn't going to college and had lost my 2-S student-deferment draft classification (this was during the Vietnam War) I got drafted in 1969, and because of my beliefs (I was very anti-war!) I was a draft resister. That was my reputation for awhile. |
![]() ![]() Not surprisingly, I am at the exact opposite setting on the compass to George W. Bush and Donald Trump. |
I think guns are a horrible thing and have no place in our civilization. I am opposed to them being used for anything! I hate to admit it but when I was a teenager I belonged to the NRA. We used to go down in the basement
of the Bancroft Hotel in my hometown, Payette, Idaho, and shoot rifles at targets. I think this was just a teenage thing
and it didn't last—it was mosly an excuse to go out in the evening and do something. I have never owned a gun and don't think I have ever known anybody who did. My friends used to go hunting with their fathers so perhaps
they did. I never went. I don't want guns to be in my life.
![]() I was totally shocked when Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted. Give me a break! This guy showed up at a rally and killed 2 people with an illegal gun. |
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This section was created when Trump was still in office. Those were bad times! I'm writing now in 2022 and Biden has replaced Trump as President. I expect better times are ahead.
Trump is such an idiot. I can't believe people take him seriously. Trump is certainly the worst President in my lifetime, perhaps the worst President of all time. Sadly, it says a lot about the horrifying reactionary forces in our country when the first black President is followed by a President publicly endorsed by the KKK and the American Nazi Party. A top Nazi leader says, "Trump will be a 'real opportunity' for white nationalists." As President-elect, Trump appointed fellow racist, xenophobic, misogynist, anti-Semitic nationalist, Steve Bannon, as his chief White House strategist and senior counselor (Bannon was arrested on federal charges later). Trump has said he wants to unite the country, but "As long as a champion of racial division is a step away from the Oval Office, it would be impossible to take Trump's efforts to heal the nation seriously," said Harry Reid. Trump keeps saying he "inherited a mess," but the only mess he inherited is his struggle to function as President. He was in way over his head. When George W. Bush became President I thought we had hit the bottom of the President standing for good things, but then came Trump. Trump's main mission as President was to undo everything Obama accomplished. I am afraid I took it for granted when Obama was in office, but now I realize how wonderful we had it. Trumpsters are always saying the 8 years of suffering under Obama are over. Boy do they have it wrong. This is so racist. What they really mean is 8 years with a black President. During his campaign Donald Trump made so many mistakes (here are 37 Fatal Gaffes That Didn't Kill Donald Trump) that it is amazing that he made it all the way to the White House. Every time he put his foot in his mouth I expected to hear that he was dropping out of the race. I can't believe that people still took him seriously. The Access Hollywood tape should have completely disqualified him but people were still too stupid and voted for him. And like many, if not most, people I expected Hillary Clinton to win. What a blow that was! Big winner of 2016 was George W. Bush, who will now no longer be the worst President in U.S. history. With Trump's goofiness I am expecting to get many more items to put on my Political satire section. |
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Artist Shepard Fairey created this great portrait of Barack Obama.
"I would like to thank you for using your talent in support of my campaign. The political messages involved in your work have encouraged Americans to believe they can change the status-quo. Your images have a profound effect on people, whether seen in a gallery or on a stop sign. I am privileged to be a part of your artwork and proud to have your support." — Barack Obama to Shepard Fairey, February 22, 2008 |
Obama Accomplishments – here is a list I made after he had served 2 years
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This cartoon appeared in The Boston Globe after the GOP retook control of the House of Representatives in the 2010 mid-term elections. In
some convoluted logic the voters think the Dems failed because in 2 years they couldn't fix the problems the Republicans took 8 years to
![]() Windsor Mt. School |
"Humaneness is one of the hallmarks of being a liberal." — Walter Cronkite
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My social and political views are very liberal, which is the essence of logical thinking and humanitarian concerns. During my formative years
in the 1960s I was mostly surrounded by people with the same values, but as I got older and moved away from the college setting I came to
realize that I had been living in a somewhat sheltered environment, and in order to co-exist with some of the others I met whose views were
very different from mine I would have to keep some of my opinions to myself (though I would not have to change my values). I thought this
philosophy was stated very well in the slogan at the progressive New England boarding school my wife Patti attended, the Windsor Mountain School in Lenox, Massachusetts (closed
in mid-1970s): "Adjust, don't conform."
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"My pacifism is not based on any intellectual theory but on a deep antipathy to every form of cruelty and hatred." — Albert Einstein |
I have always been a pacifist but my commitment to my beliefs was really put to the test in 1969 during the Vietnam War when I became a draft
resister. Like millions of other Americans I opposed the war for political and moral reasons and participated in many antiwar marches and
rallies in Seattle, where I lived. After a couple of years of college I took some time off which resulted in the loss of my student
deferment, and when I received my draft notice I responded in the spirit of what we used to chant—"Hell no,
we won't go!"—I was a draft resister. Taking this stand
put my personal freedom in jeopardy for a period of time, but finally, after an anxious year involving lawyers and an FBI investigation, I
was able to put that episode behind me (with no court or prison time) and move on with my life. I was far from alone in my war
resistance—the Justice Department identified 570,000 men who were draft evadors (none of whom I've ever met).
![]() This was a big part of my life for years, but now it is ancient history and I never think of it. Most people I've met don't even know about this because that war was so long ago. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When I was in high school in the mid-60s, I subscribed (with many thanks to my open-minded mother) to the Berkeley Barb, an underground newspaper loosely associated with
students at UC Berkeley. Something I learned in one issue was the history of the Peace Symbol ![]() |
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This is somewhat esoteric knowledge and I presume if people have any association for the symbol they just know it stands for peace. Now I see it on clothing and other items as a "fashion" icon and realize that many very young people might not even know its meaning. Oh well, it will always symbolize an anti-war theme for me. |
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"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." — Dwight D. Eisenhower |
War is a hostile and barbaric action that is the result of a total failure of diplomacy (or as Isaac Asimov put it,
"Violence is the diplomacy of the incompetent."). I
strongly oppose war and I do not support our leaders who get us into wars when they cannot work out problems with
other nations using non-violent methods. I do support the men and women in the armed forces because they are honorably
putting their lives at risk for the security of our country, and they are not responsible for the failure of our
leaders' diplomatic efforts. We have a military to protect our freedoms if our country is ever threatened or attacked
by another nation (which is why we call it the Department of "Defense"), but when our troops are sent to
preemptively attack the citizens of another nation on their own soil as we did in Iraq, we are invading them,
and I say, "Bring our troops home!" (I can't believe our National Guard is
being sent to foreign countries to participate in war—isn't the mission of the NG to protect the homeland?)
![]() This is from A Grandfather's Last Letter To His Grandkids on Huffington Post. I thought it was pretty good advice.
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"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, that you can't even passively take part; and you've got to indicate to the people who run it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!" — Mario Savio |
It is everybody's right to live free of arbitrary, unnecessary rules, and we should all be able to openly express
our personal freedoms. Unfortunately, we do need laws to protect these freedoms because not everybody is respectful
of the rights of others, but if you want to engage in a non-harmful activity there should be no law restricting you.
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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." | |
"Yes, a well regulated militia, not a personal arsenal free-for-all!" — Jon Stewart |
In one recent year, gun deaths by country:
New Zealand | 4 |
Japan | 19 |
England | 54 |
Australia | 57 |
Switzerland | 66 |
Canada | 151 |
Germany | 373 |
U.S. | 11,798 |
All this activity to prevent gays from marrying is nothing more than homophobic people trying to validate their prejudices by making them into
laws. Many states, including Massachusetts, are trying to enact constitutional amendments to keep gays and lesbians from having the same
domestic rights as heterosexuals. Former President Bush even wanted to write this into the U.S. Constitution. Give me a break.
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Gender discrimination is immoral. Women and men have the same entitlements, and there should be equal
compensation for equal achievements. There should be no restriction on a woman's right to choose abortion. The
attempts to create laws controlling this are typically made based on religious grounds, which is an illegal
basis for law. No one's life should be restricted by someone else's religion. Down with dogma!
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Growing up a white, middle-class, college-bound boy in America made me feel very privileged in life, but I had the experience of feeling like a minority for the first time at age 19 in 1967. When I was in high school, influenced by the Beatles I grew bangs like many boys but our hair could not be over the ears, and when I came home from college the first time with long hair and a beard I found out what it felt like to have people discriminate against me based on superficial values like my appearence. People I had been around for years that had always accepted me were shunning me, and even making rude comments. A local barber that I had always gone to refused to give me a haircut when I wanted to trim my long hair because he said he wouldn't touch my "filthy" hair. I washed my hair every day like I always had and it was certainly cleaner than the hair of some of the "greasers" who's hair he normally cut. It was a real eye-opening experience and it altered my respect for my hometown. |
![]() Federal Budget |
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This chart shows what a small portion of the Federal Budget is taken up by public assistance programs like food stamps. According to some GOP supporters, lazy, poor, people are to blame for our national debt. Liberals don't work and we are all on welfare. Blaming the poor for wealth inequality has become a national past-time! "Get a job, folks. Pay your taxes and support the military and the top 1%." |
![]() Yay! Bush is Gone! (And so is Trump!) |
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A monument has been erected in Iraq to honor the journalist who threw his shoes at Bush. This was created after I removed this section and I thought it deserved its place of honor here. |
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"People who think they know everything are annoying to those of us who do." — Isaac Asimov |
So far I've said where I stand on some of the important issues of the day. Here are some things that may be less important, but they are still annoying. |
"If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action."
— On a sign in a non-smoking area
He says, "You grew up in the church. Isn't there anything left of your faith?" She replies, "Faith requires no proof . . . I do." |
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![]() If I sound very opinionated it may be because I grew up in the 60s, the era of the Free Speech Movement, when it was considered pretty normal to express yourself openly. |
To guard against spambots that search webpages for email addresses I am not spelling out any
complete email addresses contiguously anywhere on my website. Replace (at) with @ in the following email addresses to use in email. ![]() My email address: ![]()
My cell phone number:
My home phone number:
Patti's email address: I have stopped listing our email addresses, and while they are still valid, we'd prefer you use our Gmail addresses (and the old addresses don't get checked anymore).
If you try to email me for the first time and I appear to be ignoring you, I apologize. It may be that since your
email address is unknown to me my spam filters are
perceiving you as a spammer and preventing your email from getting into my Inbox. The easiest way to make sure I see
your email is to put certain words in the subject line that I accept as something that a friendly stranger would say
to me. These include,
Here are a few things I have learned how to do that I want to pass on. They may seem rather silly but they work(ed?) for me.